Category: Blog

Leadership Habits that may be holding you back

Most leaders are already doing way too much. So, instead of adding one more thing to your ever-growing list, review your current habits and identify what you need to stop doing to make you a better leader : Reference: Marshall Goldsmith, 2007, “What got you here, wont get you there” “Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can” – Emerson

Is coaching for me?

When it comes to coaching, people generally fall into three categories: If you are interested in coaching, reflect on the following traits that will enable a more positive experience for you: If you want to be great, are you willing to be coached? If not, what is holding you back?

How well do you know yourself?

Self-awareness is one of the most important qualities for growth, especially for a leader and this quote by Carl Jung is so powerful at conveying this message: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” How many of us have said “That’s just the way I am”?What meaning have you given to the events in your life? What image do you hold of yourself?Is it serving…

Are you managing your time or is it managing you?

“I feel like a headless chicken running around” and “I don’t have control of my own time and calendar” says a leader. The higher up in the organization one is, the more demands on their time will the organization make. But, it’s the leaders who make an organization successful, and leaders need to own their time. According to Peter Drucker, the father of management thinking – to be effective, one needs to set large chunks…


10 Principles we can all draw something from. These are believed to come from an early internal memo at Nike, written in 1977 before the company grew into a global brand: